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Storj Türk Lirası Grafik

1 Storj Kaç TL?

1 Storj (STORJ) = 17.52 TRY

Piyasa Değeri: 2,518,777,762 TRY

1 Storj Kaç Dolar?

1 Storj (STORJ) = $0.540594 USD

Piyasa Değeri: $77,720,147 USD

1 Storj Kaç Euro?

1 Storj (STORJ) = 0.503753 EUR

Piyasa Değeri: 72,423,519 EUR

Canlı Storj Fiyatı

Kripto para borsalarında ortalama canlı Storj fiyatı $0.540594 USD’dir. Kripto para piyasası ele alındığında #552 market sıralamasıyla öne çıkan Storj toplam piyasa değeri bakımından $77,720,147 Dolar değerlemeye sahiptir. $3.81 Dolar ile ATH yapmıştır. Storj son 24 saatte 5.12% değişime uğramıştır.

Storj Nedir?

Storj (pronounced: storage) aims to become a cloud storage platform that can’t be censored or monitored, or have downtime. It is the first decentralized, end-to-end encrypted cloud storage that uses blockchain technology and cryptography to secure your files.

Storj is a platform, cryptocurrency, and suite of decentralized applications that allows you to store data in a secure and decentralized manner. Your files are encrypted, shredded into little pieces called ‘shards’, and stored in a decentralized network of computers around the globe. No one but you has a complete copy of your file, not even in an ecrypted form.

Because of this, Storj can be faster, cheaper, and more secure than traditional cloud storage platforms. Faster because multiple machines are serving you your file simultaneously, cheaper because you are renting people’s spare hard-drive space instead of paying for a purpose-built data center, and more secure because your file is both encrypted and shredded. There is no need to trust a corporation, vulnerable servers, or employees with your files. Storj completely removes trust from the equation.

Storj uses blockchain features like a transaction ledger, public/private key encryption, and cryptographic hash functions for security.

Storj is working hard to solve data security issues with the help of its own web app, Storj, which lets you store your files, and client app, Storj Share, which lets you rent your hard-drive space for money.

To best protect your data, files are encrypted client-side on your computer before they are uploaded. Each file is split up into chunks which are first encrypted and then distributed for storage across the Storj network. The network is comprised of Storj Share nodes run by users around the world who rent out their unused hard drive space in return for Storj Token (STORJ).

The decentralized aspect of Storj means there are no central servers to be compromised, and with client-side encryption, your are in control of the keys to your files.

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Storj, Piyasa Değerine Göre En Büyük Fiat Para Birimleriyle Karşılaştırıldı

1 Storj kaç Çin Yuanı (CNY)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 3.91 CNY
1 Storj kaç Japon Yeni (JPY)? 1 Storj (STORJ) = 82.74 JPY
1 Storj kaç İngiliz Sterlini (GBP)?1 Storj (STORJ) = £0.431103
1 Storj kaç Güney Kore Wonu (KRW)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 738.30 KRW
1 Storj kaç Hindistan Rupisi (INR)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 45.09 INR
1 Storj kaç Kanada Doları (CAD)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 0.738819 CAD
1 Storj kaç Hong Kong Doları (HKD)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 4.22 HKD
1 Storj kaç Avusturalya Doları (AUD)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 0.822684 AUD
1 Storj kaç Brezilya Reali (BRL)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 2.76 BRL
1 Storj kaç Yeni Tayvan Doları (TWD)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 17.49 TWD
1 Storj kaç İsviçre Frangı (CHF)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 0.491849 CHF
1 Storj kaç Rus Rublesi (RUB)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 50.55 RUB
1 Storj kaç Meksika Pezosu (MXN)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 9.18 MXN
1 Storj kaç Tayland Bahtı (THB)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 19.90 THB
1 Storj kaç Suudi Arabistan Riyali (SAR)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 2.03 SAR
1 Storj kaç Singapur Doları (SGD)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 0.731859 SGD
1 Storj kaç Vietnam Dongu (VND)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 13,733.79 VND
1 Storj kaç Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri Dirhemi (AED)?1 Storj (STORJ) = 1.99 AED
  • Listenin 2. ve 3. sırasını sırasıyla USD ve EUR alıyor.